Domanda n. 2
Yichieh Shiuey, MD
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
- What is the differential diagnosis of this funduscopic picture?
- What is the prognostic significance of a diagnosis of fundus
albipunctatus vs. retinitis punctata albescens?
- What is the characteristic fluorescein finding of fundus flavimaculatus?
- What is the age of onset of familial dominant drusen?
- What is characteristic about the ERG in fundus albipunctatus which
distinguishes it from retinitis punctata albescens?
Figure 1: Fundus Albipunctatus - There are multiple yellow-white
lesions at the level of the RPE.
- What is the differential diagnosis of this funduscopic picture?
Answer: The classic differential diagnosis of a flecked retina
include: fundus flavimaculatus, familial dominant drusen, fundus punctata
albescens, and fundus albipunctatus. Other conditions that can present as
retinal spots include: fleck retina of Kandori, macular degeneration with
cholesterol deposits, "peau de orange" of pseudoxanthoma
elasticum, and Bietti's crystalline retinal dystrophy.
- What is the prognostic significance of a diagnosis of fundus
albipunctatus vs. retinitis punctata albescens?
Answer: Fundus albipunctatus is a form of congenital stationary
night blindness and would not be expected to produce progressive visual
loss. Retinitis punctata albescens acts clinically like retinitis
pigmentosa and results in progressive visual field loss, night-blindness,
and retinal vascular attenuation.
- What is the characteristic fluorescein finding of fundus flavimaculatus?
Answer: The classic fluorescein finding is the dark choroid effect,
which is due to the blockage of choroidal fluorescence by the accumulation
of lipofuscin-like material in the RPE.
- What is the age of onset of familial dominant drusen?
Answer: The usual age of onset is between the 2nd and 4th decades.
It is thought to represent an early form of age-related macular
- What is characteristic about the ERG in fundus albipunctatus which
distinguishes it from retinitis punctata albescens?
Answer: Patients with fundus albipunctatus may have regeneration of
the scotopic ERG waveforms with prolonged dark adaptation. Two families
have been described where the ERG was abnormal at 30 minutes, but
normalized after 4 hours of dark adaptation. Regeneration of the ERG does
not occur with retinitis punctata albescens.