Scott Burk, MD/PhD
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Figure 1-2: Photographs of a 39 year old man who presented with
severe eye pain.
- What is your diagnosis?
- What else might you consider in the differential diagnosis?
- What additional work up is needed?
- What treatment would you recommend?
- What are the complications of ocular HSV infection?
- What is your diagnosis?
Answer: Herpes simplex keratitis. The dendritic lesion with
terminal bulbs is classic HSV keratitis.
- What else might you consider in the differential diagnosis?
Answer: 1) Herpes zoster, however HZV dendrites typically do not
have terminal bulbs. 2) A healing recurrent erosion might appear as a
pseudo-dendrite. 3) Pseudo-dendrites are also seen in some contact lens
- What additional work up is needed?
Answer: HSV keratitis can present in many forms. When the
appearance is classic no additional work up is necessary as the diagnosis
can be made clinically. If the appearance is atypical however the work up
might include a Tzank smear, viral culture, or even PCR
- What treatment would you recommend?
Answer: Trifluorothymidine 1% (Viroptic) 9 times per day.
Alternatively, 3% vidarabine ointment (Vira A) may be used 5 times a day.
The patient should be examined about 48 hours after starting treatment to
evaluate therapeutic efficacy. Further follow up should be at relatively
frequent intervals which are based on the response to treatment.
- What are the complications of ocular HSV infection?
Answer: 1) Neurotrophic ulcers may result from decreased corneal
sensation. 2) HSV may result in corneal stromal disease in the form of
disciform keratitis, or necrotizing interstitial keratitis. 3) HSV can
cause an anterior uveitis even in the absence of corneal disease. 4) HSV
can also rarely cause retinitis.